NexusBerry: Integrating Education with Practical Industry Skills!

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Q: What is your address?

We are located at the heart of the city Lahore, very easy approach, adjacent to famous resaturants like Gourmet, Dera and Mei Kong. Our address is House No. 6, Main Boulevard, Block D, Faisal Town, Lahore, Pakistan.

Q: What is your location on map?

Please click on the Contact Us Link in the footer to get your location on map.

Q: Do you have online or physical classes?

Our campus is located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. We provide phyical classes in Lahore and Online classes all over Pakistan.

Q: Can I apply for any program online?

You can fill the application online through the website and submit the form online.
After submission, you will receive the reference number. Candidate has to provide the fee within the given deadline, that can be paid through the bank
or directly to the office. Moreover, the course outline and class schedule can also be obtained through email.

Q: What can cause rejection of admission application?

Nexus Berry has the right to accept or reject the admission application to any of its courses. The rejection usually occurs if the candidate not fulfills the admission requirement or not up to the selection criteria for a particular course.

Q: How much I need to pay in advance for registration?

The registration fee that a candidate has to pay the 50% of amount will pay for the admission of that particular course.

Q: Is there any priority for admission?

Nexus Berry does not prioritize admissions on any standard. All the programs are first-come, first-serve basis. Once all the seats are filled, we will not take any further enrolments.

Q: Is qualification for every program different?

Yes, for every course or program, the qualification requirement is different. Moreover, it depends on the course outline, education level, or skill level.

Q: Can I stay at the campus before or after classes?

Nexus Berry students are allowed to come before class and can stay after the class. Staying on the campus other than the mention time frame is considering a violation of discipline, and the administration can take strict action against the breach.

Q: What is the attendance policy for the class?

In the class, attendance will be marked in the first 10 minutes when the class started. Moreover, every student has to maintain 80% attendance in the registered course. Otherwise will not be entitled to the certification—further the late coming and early leaving without any notice or valid reason mark as an absent.

Q: When will I get the certificate of completion awarded?

Certificate of completion of the course will be awarded within a month after the course completion. After the provided time frame, Nexus Berry is not responsible for the damage or loss of certification.

Q: Is it possible to freeze my course?

Yes, the candidate can freeze the course, but in this context, he or she has to pay the full fee of that particular course. Moreover, this option can be opting only within the 7days from the beginning of the classes.

Q: Can I switch to any other course even after paying initial dues?

Yes, you can switch to any other course, but it will cost you a swap fee. Moreover, you can request a course swap within 7 days from the commencement of classes.

Q: Can I claim a refund if I am not able to take the course?

Yes, you can apply for a refund or withdraw from the course. You need to apply for the withdrawal 7 days before the commencement of classes with a valid reason. In this case, you will be charged with the registration fee only and will get the tuition fee back.

Q: Does Nexus Berry refund if the course is canceled?

In case Nexus Berry cancels the course due to any reason, the candidates will get a complete 100% refund for the course.

Q: How can I sign-up as a student on Nexus Berry ?

User go to top-right admission link and follow the instruction to sign-up account on Nexus Berry or visit this link for sing-up account

Q: How do I pay on Online?

User can pay through Debit or Credit Cards or via Online Transactions. Once user is logged in to Nexus Berry via Web or App.

Q: How can I pay through JazzCash?

Using JazzCash, you can pay through below options;
- By Cash
- Mobile Account
- Credit / Debit card

Q: Is there any fees to use the JazzCash Online Payment Gateway?

There is no fees for you to use the JazzCash Online Payment Gateway

Q: How can I pay through credit/debit card?

Flow of transaction for Credit/Debit card.
This transaction is broadly categorized for two types of students i.e. registered students and un-registered students
Flow for Registered students:- Students is registered at students portal and he or she performs any transaction
-students selects Credit/Debit card option
- Once Credit/Debit card option is selected students will select the already linked Credit/Debit card number or can choose to provide alternative Credit/Debit card details
- Transaction will be processed and students will be notified on his/her mobile number with the confirmation.
Flow for Un-Registered students:-Students is not registered at Payment Gateway, he or she performs any transaction
-Students selects Credit/Debit card option
- Once Credit/Debit card option is selected students will enter Credit/Debit card details
- Transaction will be processed andstudents will be notified on his/her mobile number with the confirmation.

Q: What information will I have to share to make payment through debit/credit card?

You will have to enter card number, expiry date and the last three digits written at the back of the card.

Q: My payment is declined while paying through Credit or Debit card?

Please contact your issuing bank for further details.

Q: Do I receive any notification for my payment confirmation?

You will receive a confirmation sms on your regardless of payment method.

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